This apartment is located in a densely populated city overlooking a greenbelt.  The building turned 100 years old and the basement apartment needed structural and loving care.

The design reflects the building's history while creating the feeling of a modern sophisticated get-away. 

Construction includes recycled materials, energy efficient appliances and fixtures, heat pump with individual room controls,  and energy up-grades  exceed the current energy code.

  • Door hardware and light fixtures from Earthwise Building Salvage.
  • Energy Star appliances. Water saving shower, faucets, dishwasher, and toilets save 30%.  Fixtures and sinks chosen to scale
  • Ductless heat pump was installed with individual room controls. 
  • Kitchen cabinets repurposed, solid surface counters and galvanized steel backsplash.
  • No-VOC paints, stranded bamboo floor, FSC certified trim

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